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Eric Lambert

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Tout ce qui a été posté par Eric Lambert

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boqxZ3BOzlY
  2. Article intéressant mais en anglais. http://www.dg-flugzeugbau.de/etwas-schneller-e.html Bons vols.
  3. Hier après-midi à la Jungfrau et Eiger. http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/589/dsc00707jx7.th.jpg http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/7069/dsc00708qh8.th.jpg
  4. A 59-year-old man died after his glider crashed into hills about 55km north of Wanaka this evening. The pilot was taking part in the FAI World GP Gliding Championships currently being held in Omarama. The championships began on Wednesday with 18 pilots from 11 countries competing over six days. Rescue Co-ordination Centre New Zealand (RCCNZ) launched a rescue response after being alerted by the championship organisers around 6.20pm that the pilot was overdue. Rescue helicopters from Heli Works in Queenstown and Aspiring Helicopters in Wanaka were sent to locate the crashed glider, which was found about 8.30pm by the Heli Works crew on a hillside above the Wilkins River at the northern end of Lake Wanaka. No further details about the pilot are available as his next of kin will need to be informed. Weather in the area at the time of the accident was reported as good for gliding. The Civil Aviation Authority will be investigating the accident.
  5. Je sais que c'est en anglais mais cela reste superbe. Beau travail d'équipe.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjnLDufnsVs
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYm_EVHdmEI Rien à voir ou plutôt oui à 2mn57s de la vidéo suivante http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYT3-iNNiwE
  8. Simplement parce que l'avion de droite est encore plus gros !!! :lol:
  9. Vidéo de promotion pour Loewe, par Castor-Film Production, filmée en Auriche (LOIH) et en Suisse.
  10. Cela fonctionne parfaitement avec la souris. Un clic gauche pour activer le pilotage par la souris. Le curseur de la souris se transforme alors en une croix blanche. Un nouveau clic gauche pour le désactiver ; utile pour accéder au menu.
  11. Meeting de Bex le même week-end. http://bex07.ch/
  12. Lien : http://www.latimes.com/la-me-maccready30au...=la-home-center Paul B. MacCready, 81; scientist and inventor of unconventional aircraft Paul MacCready Ann Johansson / For The Times Scientist and inventor Paul MacCready with a model of a 247-foot-wide airplane in 2000. By Eric Malnic, Special to The Times August 30, 2007 Paul B. MacCready, the Caltech-trained scientist and inventor who created the Gossamer Condor -- the first successful human-powered airplane -- as well as other innovative aircraft, has died. He was 81. MacCready died in his sleep at his Pasadena home Tuesday, according to an announcement from AeroVironment Inc., the Monrovia-based company he founded. The statement said he had been recently diagnosed with a serious ailment but the cause of death was not listed. Paul B. MacCready | 1925-2007 Photo Gallery Paul B. MacCready | 1925-2007 An accomplished meteorologist, a world-class glider pilot and a respected aeronautical engineer, MacCready headed the team that designed and built the Gossamer Condor and the Gossamer Albatross -- two flimsy, awkward-looking planes powered by a furiously pedaling bicycle racer -- that won him international fame and $300,000 in prize money. He also built and flew a radio-controlled replica of a prehistoric pterodactyl, the largest creature that ever took to the air. His successes in these and other imaginative projects led to more than 30 prestigious awards, including the Collier Trophy for achievement in aeronautics and astronautics, and five honorary degrees. The slight, pale, bespectacled MacCready said it all probably stemmed from a rather nerdy childhood. "I was always the smallest kid in the class," he told the National Aviation Hall of Fame. "I was not especially coordinated -- certainly not the athletic type -- and socially immature. "And so, when I began getting into model airplanes, and getting into contests and creating new things, I probably got more psychological benefit from that than I would have from some of the other typical school things," he said. "Nobody seemed to be quite as motivated for the new and strange as I was." There were those who denigrated MacCready's efforts, saying they had no practical value. He said his critics missed the point. "Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic did not directly advance airplane design," MacCready said. "The plane was a lousy plane. It was unstable and you couldn't see forward very well. You wouldn't want to design another like it. But it changed the world by being a catalyst for thinking about aviation." Lindbergh's plane, the Spirit of St. Louis, hangs today from a ceiling at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. Hanging next to it is MacCready's Gossamer Condor. MacCready's foray into aviation history began as the result of a bad loan. In 1970, MacCready guaranteed a loan for a friend who wanted to start a business building fiberglass catamarans. When the company failed, MacCready found himself $100,000 in debt. Casting around for a way to deal with that problem, he recalled a cash prize offered by British industrialist Henry Kremer to anyone who built a human-powered plane capable of sustained, controlled flight. "The Kremer prize, in which I'd had no interest, was just about equal to my debt," MacCready said. "Suddenly, human-powered flight seemed important." To win the prize, he had to create an airplane that could take off on its own and fly a figure-eight, 1.15-mile course, clearing 10-foot hurdles at the beginning and end. Several people had tried; all had failed. MacCready said he studied the soaring flights of hawks and vultures, calculating the amount of lift needed to keep the birds aloft and comparing that with what he knew about gliders. He concluded that if he could triple the wingspan of a glider without increasing its weight, the power needed to keep it aloft in level flight would be only about four-tenths of one horsepower. He knew that a well-conditioned athlete could produce about that, and maybe a little more, for an extended period. The spindly, translucent Gossamer Condor that resulted was crafted of aluminum tubing, plastic sheeting, piano wire and Scotch tape. It had a wingspan of 90 feet but weighed only 70 pounds. The pilot was Bryan Allen, a strong, slender bicycle racer who powered the single propeller by pedaling a drive chain made largely of old bicycle parts. The Condor flew from the outset, but not well. However, because it flew so slowly and at such a low height -- about 10 mph and about 15 feet -- MacCready was able to improve its design through trial and error.
  13. Livestream We are going to broadcast all shows through the internet during the World Glider Aerobatics Championships 2007! To see the spectaculare manoeuvres watch the livestream on our site. Et il devrait être possible de suivre la compétition en direct !!! :lol:
  14. 1250 kms a 149.25 kmh de moyenne !!! Persistence Pays Off! Fossett And Delore Break Glider Record Mon, 16 Jul '07 Record Marks 27th Attempt Over Four Years, Four Continents It was quite a gamble, even by Nevada standards. Multiple world-record-holding glider pilots Steve Fossett and Terry Delore added to their long list of successes last week, flying a 777-mile triangular course Thursday over the Silver State in eight hours and 23 minutes at a new world record average speed of 92.73 mph -- finally breaking one of the oldest world gliding records in the book. The official speed is pending certification by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale. The last of the major glider records set two decades ago set by Hans Werner Grosse of Germany. Grosse dominated glider record world records for many years - and at age 85 continues to fly high performance gliders. Grosse's 777-mile record of 89.14 mph was flown from Alice Springs in the Australian outback on January 10, 1987. Although Fossett and Delore have set 11 of the 19 unlimited glider speed and distance records together, the 1250 Kilometer Triangle was a special target -- and was particularly difficult to break because of the requirement to fly their unpowered glider at high speed over such a long distance, according to Steve Fossett Challenges. "We have been challenged by this record. We have sought the right conditions for 4 years in Argentina, Australia, South Africa, and USA, and it has taken us 27 attempts to finally get it exactly right. This record is especially satisfying for Terry and me," said Fossett. The two pilots celebrated the finish by making low passes over the Ely, NV airport while releasing the water ballast from the 87 foot wings of their ASH 25 glider. Next up for Fossett is his induction into the USA's National Aviation Hall of Fame on July 21, 2007, recognizing his world record achievements in four categories of aircraft: gliders, balloons, airplanes and airships. Delore and Fossett plan to attempt more glider records together in November in Argentina.
  15. Bonjour, Quelle est la musique utilisée sur la seconde vidéo (41Mo) de voltige de Ferenc Toth (http://voltigeplaneur.free.fr/) ? Merci.
  16. http://ffvv.org/extranet/com_index.php?init=1 Puis : - Documents - Sécurité des vols
  17. http://tetesaclaques.tv/video.php?vid=22 :rolleyes:
  18. Oups Je ferais plus attention la prochaine fois.
  19. Ne fera peut-être pas rêver mais on y trouve quant même un planeur ! http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/7624/bureauqh2.jpg
  20. Malheureusement un autre accident de motoplaneur (Stemme S10) est arrivé en Nouvelle-Zélande quelques jours avant. Article
  21. Beaucoup d'images de voile et quelques images de vol à voile. http://ia.imdb.com/media/imdb/01/I/64/63/16m.jpg
  22. http://www.revo.com/ Il faut cliquer sur le premier des quatre icônes en bas à droite de la fenêtre.
  23. Et dire que ce vol était juste un test... Hi Folks We did it! 50,700 ft yesterday afternoon. Great flight - all worked beautifully. Flew mostly south of El Calafate, Argentina in vicinity of Torres del Paine, Chile. Fantastic scenery! Lots of hard work flying in the pressure suit. Had great cooperation from both Argentina and Chile airspace controllers. We were above 40,000 feet for an hour and a quarter. -73 deg F was coldest at around 36,000 feet, warming to about -65 F as we went higher. Flew in the first wave behind the Andes up to about 33,000 feet, then when not getting higher tried downwind and found strong second harmonic up to high point, then on the way home found third harmonic. Could have gone higher in a third harmonic but were cold and tired so came home - happy. Actually, the weather was far from ideal for the flight. We flew mainly to check out the suits and sailplane systems to be sure all was ready when a good day would come. On a good day we should be able to whiz right through this altitude and keep going up up up!! Love to all, Einar
  24. http://www.crash-aerien.com/forum/multimedia/hawker.jpg L'image montre que les dégâts ne se sont pas limités au nez de l'avion.
  25. US tycoon claims new gliding record Wednesday Aug 30 14:22 AEST AP - US tycoon and adventurer Steve Fossett, already famous for sailboating and solo ballooning records, claims to have soared to new heights in a glider high over the Argentine Andes. The 62-year-old Chicago investment mogul issued a statement that he and Norwegian co-pilot Einar Enevoldson, 74, rode powerful rising air currents above the remote Patagonia region, reaching a record 15,453m. "We have made attempts in New Zealand, the United States and Argentina over a period of five years, so this is a hard-won success," Fossett said in the statement. He said he was jubilant after breaking the record of 14,938m, set in 1986 by American Robert Harris in California's Sierra Nevada mountains. advertisement Fossett's claim will now be subject to scrutiny by the world aviation authority, the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI). He said he and Enevoldson, a former NASA test-pilot, rode in a lightweight, unpressurised glider named "Perlan" - Norwegian for "pearl" - which was released from a tow plane at 3,950m. The pilots then rose on currents above the Andes near the border with Chile. The two said they used El Calafate, a popular launch point near southern Argentina's glaciers, some 1,300 miles (2,000km) south of the capital of Buenos Aires. Both wore pressurised suits for the climb, over more than four hours long, to extreme altitudes where they relied on foot heaters to fight the chill in their cramped cockpit as outside temperatures dropped to 57 degrees (Celsius) below zero. They said they collected meteorological data for a NASA and US Navy study of the polar vortex, a pattern of high-speed winds circling Antarctica in the stratosphere. Fossett said that during the flight they spotted a commercial airliner cruising below the glider at 10,500m. "I couldn't understand how the Chilean controller described us in Spanish to the airline pilot," he said in the statement, "but I understood the answer by the pilot: 'Wow."' Fossett and Enevoldson attempted to best Harris' mark - which stood for just over 20 years - during three winter seasons in New Zealand from 2002 to 2004. But they said the atmospheric wave pattern in New Zealand wasn't strong enough to boost their glider high enough to match Harris' feat. Fossett said in 2004 he was transferring his efforts to Argentina. In 2002, Fossett became the first to fly a hot air balloon solo around the world, landing in the Australian outback on July 4, 2002. He nearly lost his life twice in six attempts at the feat.
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