Administrateur Posté(e) le 6 septembre 2014 Signaler Posté(e) le 6 septembre 2014 from next Saturday 6th to Saturday the 13th at la Cerdanya Aerodrome (Catalan Pyrenees) we are going to hold the Qualifying Sailplane Grand Prix Spain 2014, celebrated for the first time in Spain, and that will join the best sailplane pilots. The Grand Prix, organized by the International Aeronautical Federation (FAI), is a speed competition in which gliders fly from150 to 400 km, taking advantage of airflows, overflying previously established waypoints and where the first to cross the finish line, located over the aerodrome, at a speed of approximately 280 km/h, is the winner. The competition will be broadcasted live using a tracking software and will be displayed at screens located at the aerodrome andonline. Past Competition Video: -The schedule of the competition is the following:Official Training: September 6thRacers Presentation: September 6th (20:00-21:00)Competition: from September 7th to September 13thOpen Doors: September 13th (11:00-21:00)Awards and Closing Ceremony: September 13th (20:00) Citer Une même passion, 3 sites : - -
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