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Dear delegates and gliding friends.

The FAI/SGP management team have circulated by social media a survey for pilots and SGP followers. They are seeking as wide a consultation as possible so please take a few minutes to participate in the survey and publish the mail in your NAC gliding news.

Thanks for your co-operation.



The FAI Sailplane Grand Prix is in its 11th series and we are currently planning series 12 which will start in 2024. Consequently, the team is discussing how the series should develop in the coming years and would value your input.

We have produced a short questionnaire which we hope you will take a few minutes to complete and take this opportunity to make your input into the future of the FAI/SGP.

The survey can be accessed here:


Contrary to what google makes you think, entering your email is not required.

Thank you for your participation.




Le 05/12/2022 à 12:39, Administrateur a dit :

Contrary to what google makes you think, entering your email is not required.


Can you explain how is it possible to fill the survey without entering a ggogle account. By my side, it seems to be impossible... 🙁

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