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This video shows how a cross country flight in the alps ends up as an outlanding. The flight starts at the German Alpine gliding school in Unterwössen in Bavaria (DASSU - https://www.dassu.de), and heads south into the Austrian alps. The weather conditions were marginal for cross country flying. I took off in a group with 2 other gliders and we hoped to make it out of the Alpine foothills and get deeper into the alps where the weather was more favourable. Things I try to remember about outlandings: + Choose a good anchor field/area early + Consciously adjust mental state from cross country to staying up / landing + Take a long final to slow things down Great source of outlanding fields - https://landewiesen.streckenflug.at/ Great base for flights into the alps - DASSU - https://www.dassu.de I’m interested in what you look for when searching for thermals when you get into outlanding mode. Also your tips on making safe outlandings. Let me know in the comments.

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