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Présentation de SeeYou en francais :

Le logiciel SeeYou d'analyse et de préparation des vols, allie des fonctions puissantes a une interface intuitive.

Des statistiques completes, des cartes vectorielles gratuites, un support complet plusieurs langues et notamment en français, l'impression et les autres fonctions, font de SeeYou un logiciel essentiel aux pilotes de vols sur la campagne ainsi qu'aux organisateurs de compétitions.


Seeyou est un "Shareware" : Vous pouvez utiliser toutes les fonctions pendant 14 jours. Apres cette période, les fonctions ne seront plus toutes accessibles a chaque ouvertures du logiciel. Pour retrouver toutes les fonctions, vous devez acheter une clé d'enregistrement ou commander SeeYou sur CD-ROM. Dans les deux cas, la clé d'enregistrement vous est immédiatement envoyée par e-mail.

L'achat de SeeYou comprend des upgrades gratuits jusqu'a la version pour les version 3.xx, des cartes vectorielles gratuites, une réponse rapide du support client et des fichiers d'aide complets.

Sources : http://www.seeyou.ws/fr/index_fr.php


Site Internet de SeeYou :

En Anglais : http://www.seeyou.ws

Découvrir SeeYou : http://www.seeyou.ws/tour.php

Telecharger la derniere version : http://www.seeyou.ws/dload-seeyou.php


Aide en francais pour SeeYou :

Aides : http://www.seeyou.ws/dload-help.php

Fichier *.pdf en francais : http://www.seeyou.ws/dload/seeyoufr.pdf


Photos Satellites :

Téléchargez les photos satellites de l'Europe, Amérique, ... : http://www.seeyou.ws/satellite.php

  • 1 an après...

La vocation, c'est d'avoir pour métier sa passion,
Une erreur peut devenir exacte. Il suffit que celui qui l'a commise se soit trompé
Je ne râle pas, je m'indigne . Je ne juge pas, je dénonce. Je ne dénigre pas, je rouspète.

http://planeur.phpnet.org/images/flarm_pixel.png http://planeur.phpnet.org/images/netcoupe.net_pixel.png

Super, je vais pouvoir avoir une heure de décollage correcte :mdr:
Major Upgrades: (reverse order of implementation)

Version 3.5

+ SIS-AT optimization

+ New graphs for TAS and Netto vario

+ Bulgarian Cyrilic translation

+ New color schemes for TAS and Netto vario

+ New way of downloading SRTM data


Minor Upgrades: (reverse order of implementation)

Version 3.5

- CUC XML extended with distance_number, speed_number, start_number, finish_number and duration_number

- CAI files are converted with CONV-CAI.EXE if it is installed

- Fixed bug with map group identification

- Fixed bug with LXN conversion into IGC

- Fixed problem with LX 7007 vario recording causing wrong start time

- Help field in Options is never empty

  • 2 ans après...

SEEYOU 3.9 : http://www.naviter.si/products/seeyou.php?Itemid=213


Major Upgrades: (reverse order of implementation)

Version 3.9

+ 18 glider models for 3D

+ Autoselection of a glider model for 3D

+ Order your own personalized glider model

+ Added option for Start on observation zone entry

  • 2 ans après...

SEEYOU 4.0 : http://www.naviter.si/products/seeyou.php?Itemid=213


Major Upgrades:

+ Automatic download of vector maps from the cloud (an online storage location)

+ Vector maps based on OpenStreetMaps.org

+ New color scheme Open Street Maps for those flying in the flats

+ Automatic update of airspaces from the cloud

+ Inline offset for Airspace border for better map clarity

+ OLC-plus optimization

+ Support for GPX format (import and export)

+ Support for Google KML/KMZ (export)

+ SeeYou Mobile Wizard for Oudie

+ Checking flight integrity

+ LX Nav Nano communication DLL

+ ERIXX logger communication DLL

+ City labels highlighted

+ OLC Super Direct Claim removed from SeeYou due to OLC restrictions


Minor Upgrades:

- Automatic check for newer version

- Proxy settings for those behind one

- Support for new Sporting Code rules about height loss

- Zooming in/out with mouse wheel zooms at the location of the mouse

- fixed communication with Flarm (firmware 5.x)

- Corrected HGT files updated

- numerous bug fixes and performance enhancements

  • 1 mois après...

SEEYOU 4.1 : http://www.naviter.si/seeyou/seeyou-4.1.php?Itemid=80


Major Upgrades: (reverse order of implementation)

Version 4.1

+ Support for Proxy (Tools > Options > Proxy)

+ Mobile Wizard asks to wait until all data has been downloaded

+ You can pre-download selected area through Mobile Wizard

+ Checkbox for Airspace files determine which airspace is visible

+ Fixed color added to KML/KMZ export for easier replay


Minor Upgrades: (reverse order of implementation)

Version 4.1

- 4.01 could not upload to Soaring Spot. Bug fixed.

- ERIXX logger communication DLL updated

- FLARM communication DLL updated

- bug fixes

- numerous performance enhancements

  • 6 mois après...

SeeYou 4.2 : http://www.naviter.si/seeyou/seeyou-4.2-adds-pictures-to-your-flights.php?Itemid=213


SeeYou 4.2 adds pictures to your flights!


We want to give you a head start. You are welcome to give the new SeeYou 4.2 a test ride:



Add photos to your flights, Save them as IGCX to share them with friends, make public presentations more plastic by showing the instruments... If you can find your way around it without the manual and tutorial we did a good job :)


We are looking forward to your feedback!

  • 3 semaines après...

Sortie officielle de SeeYou 4.2 : http://www.naviter.si/seeyou/seeyou-4.2-released.php?Itemid=1




Major Upgrades: (reverse order of implementation)

Version 4.2

+ Pictures linked to IGC files

+ New IGCX file format which embeds pictures in one file

+ Drag and drop pictures to Flight Window

+ Large graphic instruments

+ Validation of flights

+ Time limit for AAT flights is always considered as Minimum time

+ LX Nav Nano flight recorder supported

+ New CUPX file format for Waypoints with pictures

+ New very accurate coastline data worldwide

+ Entering pilot details in CUC through Load from IGC button

+ UTC offset added to CUC file parameters (overrides UTC offset in IGC file)


Minor Upgrades: (reverse order of implementation)

Version 4.2

- Added tab Pictures in Edit > Flight Properties

- Checking whether picture was taken during the flight

- New button P in the lower left corner for turning the picture icons on/off

- Photos are synchronized with flight animation

- Latest photo's icon is drawn on map during animation

- Clicking on a picture moves current flight position there

- Pictures which were not taken during flight are added at begin or end of flight

- Abbility to change camera time under Advanced Options of the Photos tab

- Updated Roads, Rivers and Lakes with the latest OSM data

- Validation of flights also with DOS vali-.exe files

- Different rendering of airstrips from OSM

- Vali-CU.dll for validation of SeeYou Mobile/Oudie flights

- Finish ring calculation fixed

- Class name and Task date are printed top right when printing from CUC

- In Graph view Airspace is drawn on top of the grid lines

- No altitude correction when GPS altitude is used

- New default IGC file (includes pictures)

- UTC offset in CUC overrides UTC offset stored in IGC file

- Lots of bug fixes ;)

  • 4 ans après...

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