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28th World Gliding Championships 2003

19.07 - 10.08, Leszno (POL)


LESZNO, 10 August - After 12 successful competition days, the 28th World Gliding Championships Closing Ceremony was a moment of triumph for the four World Champions, and a moment of relief for all those who organized these Championships. Results and statistics.



Open Class : Holger KAROW (GER)

Standard Class : Andrew DAVIS (GBR)

15 m : John COUTTS (NZL)

18 m : Wolfgang JANOWITSCH (AUT)


Some statistics- 654'000 kilometers flown,

- 9'700 hours flown,

- 2'030 glider take-offs,

- 128 competitors,

- 66 : the age of the oldest competitor, Karl STRIEDIECK (USA)

- 31 nations represented,

- 22 : the age of the youngest competitor, Johan STORMATS (SWE).


For further information

Full results, daily news, photos, … and much more : http://www.wgc2003.pl/

FAI Gliding Commission (IGC) : http://www.fai.org/gliding/

IGC Pilot Ranking List : http://rankings.fai.org/gliding/

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