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Magazine (s) Vol À Voile (et Aviasport)

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  • 6 mois après...
  • Réponses 135
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Meilleurs contributeurs dans ce sujet

Posté(e) (modifié)

Malgré des difficultés liées à la crise sanitaire, Vol à Voile magazine de mai-juin 2020 a réussi à trouver le chemin de nos boîtes aux lettres.


Le sommaire :

Modifié par JNV

Jean-Noël Violette

How many here and now, who slip off to this place for the fun of it,

slide gently across to fly on air vastly simpler than ours, in different

sunlight, to work on flying-machines that in our time don't exist,

to meet friends and loves they've missed here?

Richard Bach, Out of my mind (De l'autre côté du temps)



A noter que dans le dernier Aviasport, il y a également un reportage sur Rion-des-Landes, plus généraliste bien sûr, mais avec une photo du Marianne F-CVVL à l'atterrissage...
C'est ici : http://www.aerostories.org/~aerobiblio/article6562.html

Jean-Noël Violette

How many here and now, who slip off to this place for the fun of it,

slide gently across to fly on air vastly simpler than ours, in different

sunlight, to work on flying-machines that in our time don't exist,

to meet friends and loves they've missed here?

Richard Bach, Out of my mind (De l'autre côté du temps)


  • 7 mois après...

A signaler, essentiellement pour les pilotes des Alpilles, la rubrique "découverte d'une plateforme" du magazine Aviasport de mars-avril 2021 est consacrée au Mazet-de-Romanin.
Voir http://www.aerostories.org/~aerobiblio/article6674.html



Jean-Noël Violette

How many here and now, who slip off to this place for the fun of it,

slide gently across to fly on air vastly simpler than ours, in different

sunlight, to work on flying-machines that in our time don't exist,

to meet friends and loves they've missed here?

Richard Bach, Out of my mind (De l'autre côté du temps)



Vol à voile, je le trouve entre voile et voiliers et le chasse-marée au rayon maritime de la maison de la presse... uniquement en bord de mer

Posté(e) (modifié)

Vol à voile, je le trouve entre voile et voiliers et le chasse-marée au rayon maritime de la maison de la presse... uniquement en bord de mer


Et que t'ont-ils dit quand tu leur as expliqué ?

Modifié par JNV

Jean-Noël Violette

How many here and now, who slip off to this place for the fun of it,

slide gently across to fly on air vastly simpler than ours, in different

sunlight, to work on flying-machines that in our time don't exist,

to meet friends and loves they've missed here?

Richard Bach, Out of my mind (De l'autre côté du temps)


  • 2 mois après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

A noter dans le dernier Aviasport un article sur un des remorqueurs de nos clubs, le Midour :



Modifié par JNV

Jean-Noël Violette

How many here and now, who slip off to this place for the fun of it,

slide gently across to fly on air vastly simpler than ours, in different

sunlight, to work on flying-machines that in our time don't exist,

to meet friends and loves they've missed here?

Richard Bach, Out of my mind (De l'autre côté du temps)


  • 9 mois après...


Jean-Noël Violette

How many here and now, who slip off to this place for the fun of it,

slide gently across to fly on air vastly simpler than ours, in different

sunlight, to work on flying-machines that in our time don't exist,

to meet friends and loves they've missed here?

Richard Bach, Out of my mind (De l'autre côté du temps)


  • 2 mois après...

Jean-Noël Violette

How many here and now, who slip off to this place for the fun of it,

slide gently across to fly on air vastly simpler than ours, in different

sunlight, to work on flying-machines that in our time don't exist,

to meet friends and loves they've missed here?

Richard Bach, Out of my mind (De l'autre côté du temps)


  • 1 an après...

Revue Vol À Voile de novembre-décembre :


Jean-Noël Violette

How many here and now, who slip off to this place for the fun of it,

slide gently across to fly on air vastly simpler than ours, in different

sunlight, to work on flying-machines that in our time don't exist,

to meet friends and loves they've missed here?

Richard Bach, Out of my mind (De l'autre côté du temps)


  • 3 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Jean-Noël Violette

How many here and now, who slip off to this place for the fun of it,

slide gently across to fly on air vastly simpler than ours, in different

sunlight, to work on flying-machines that in our time don't exist,

to meet friends and loves they've missed here?

Richard Bach, Out of my mind (De l'autre côté du temps)


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