Administrateur Posté(e) le 1 avril 2007 Signaler Posté(e) le 1 avril 2007 Subject: IGC-approval issued for Colibri recorder with Flarm. I am pleased to announce that, after appropriate evaluation and testingby the IGC GNSS Flight Recorder Approval Committee (GFAC), a revisedIGC-approval document has been issued for the LX Navigation Colibriflight recorder. The testing involved the latest Colibri version whichhas a Flarm (Flight Alarm) proximity warning module inside the recorder.In view of the IGC standard of physical and electronic security that isincorporated in the Colibri recorder, this approval is for "all flights"including world records. The date of effect is 31 March 2007 and the new model type is the LXNavigation Colibri 4F (4 for the model 4 series, F for Flarm). Detailsof its characteristics and operation in the gliding environment aregiven in the IGC-approval document. The updated IGC-approval document will be posted on the IGC GNSS webpages shortly. Go to and search for thelink half way down the page, under: "List of IGC-approved FRs, withlinks to complete IGC-approval documents." Then look for LXN Colibri4F in the table of 34 types of IGC-approved flight recorders. The linkto the IGC-approval document is in the last column of the table. ------------------------- This brings to two the IGC-approved flight recorders that have a Flarmproximity warning function in addition to the recording facility. TheIGC-approval for the Flarm-equipped LX Navigation LX7007F recorder wasissued on 17 March 2006. This approval is also for "all flights". Meanwhile, as announced at the recent IGC Plenary meeting, the IGC GFACommittee is testing two other types of recorders with Flarm, with aview to IGC-approval in due course. These are Swiss Flarm by the Flarmcompany of Zurich, and the LXN Red Box Flarm by LX Navigation ofSlovenia. -- Ian StrachanChairman, IGC GNSS Flight Recorder Approval Committee Citer Une même passion, 3 sites : - -
Régis Posté(e) le 1 avril 2007 Signaler Posté(e) le 1 avril 2007 Meanwhile, as announced at the recent IGC Plenary meeting, the IGC GFA Committee is testing two other types of recorders with Flarm, with a view to IGC-approval in due course. These are Swiss Flarm by the Flarm company of Zurich and..... le Flarm bientôt approuvé IGC, ça c'est une bonne nouvelle ! Citer
Mottley Posté(e) le 3 avril 2007 Signaler Posté(e) le 3 avril 2007 Meanwhile, as announced at the recent IGC Plenary meeting, the IGC GFA Committee is testing two other types of recorders with Flarm, with a view to IGC-approval in due course. These are Swiss Flarm by the Flarm company of Zurich and..... le Flarm bientôt approuvé IGC, ça c'est une bonne nouvelle ! Regis Attention, c'est uniquement pour les nouveaux modeles de FLARM Suisse qui ont la securite demande de GFAC! Bruno Citer
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