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A 59-year-old man died after his glider crashed into hills about 55km north of Wanaka this evening.


The pilot was taking part in the FAI World GP Gliding Championships currently being held in Omarama. The championships began on Wednesday with 18 pilots from 11 countries competing over six days.


Rescue Co-ordination Centre New Zealand (RCCNZ) launched a rescue response after being alerted by the championship organisers around 6.20pm that the pilot was overdue.


Rescue helicopters from Heli Works in Queenstown and Aspiring Helicopters in Wanaka were sent to locate the crashed glider, which was found about 8.30pm by the Heli Works crew on a hillside above the Wilkins River at the northern end of Lake Wanaka.


No further details about the pilot are available as his next of kin will need to be informed.


Weather in the area at the time of the accident was reported as good for gliding.


The Civil Aviation Authority will be investigating the accident.


En attente d'information officielle, il devrait s'agir de :


Herbert Weiss (GER)

IGC Ranking 41

Number of years flying 38

Home town Friedrichsurhe

Age 59

Occupation Teacher

Family Married with two children


c'est un pilote qui n'a pas rendu son logger à la 3° épreuve et il a 59 ans


Triste fin de championnat à prévoir

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