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Bonjour Jaques,


excuse me, but since more than 2 years Pascal makes unserious promotion against us, more than 2 years we ´ve made nothing against this, but now it is too much, I must say something.


Pascal: Mais je promets ne jamais être passé dans le club allemand qui a eu 8 pannes successives


As I know you´ve killed the brakes in ST FLO self with your tractor ! or not Pascal ?

an answer please ???


2 or 3 mécanics in germany were killed from the winch-drivers by turning the engine too high and try to connect the gear, this peoble spoke with us about this.

In this cases the customer had to pay.

For the other I must ask Ulbrich-Industrieelektronik, there were more customer´s fault, I don´t know all about this, but Pascal, not 8 mecanics were crashed simply so...

That is, what I mean.



Yes, there were some technical problems on the first winches before more 2 years, but on BOTH SIDES !

But not so, like Pascal it shows. No.


I am here in germany and have no chance to say something against this.


Pascal: chaque fois que je passe dans un club , il y a un crash .


Pascal Jouanard, excuse me, YES

Arcachon, Puivert, Roanne.


After this I was in France 3000 km and I´ve made formation in Puivert, Arcachon and Roanne.

While this formation I´ve seen, that on every aérodrome was the same problem:In the last part of the décollage they have had problems to use the winch.This is no problem of the winch, this you also can have with thermic-winches.This is a result of bad or no formation.

Pascal, do you pay this week and this 3000 kilometers ???


Clubs, customers and all, please excuse this all here in this forum, but I can´t listen to Pascal Jouanard and give no answer for this.

Some of Pascal´s informations are not true.


I think, minimum 50 % in this letters and CD´s are not true and I try to search a way to have a chance to change this situation, wich I not have produced.


I would like to read this letters and CD´s, but I don´t have this informations.


As seller I make demonstrations ( I think, my work is o.k. ), the contract, the formations and before 2 years I´ve had a lot of friends and invitations for holidays and nice evenings and a lot of nice flights and a lot of privat weeks in France, but today the situation is changed.


Pascal is a friend from Yurek, Yurek sells MEL-winches, the market is a little but a good market, soo good, that I can have 1 or 2 worker´s the next year, it´s a market for a lot of money, everybody knows it.

For this we´ve worked 10 years !!!


This has Yurek and Pascal seen and the onliest way for them is a war against us.

From beginning in ST FLO Pascal have had an idea...

But poeple who makes things like this have a problem...


This war they make with letters, CD´s, meetings, what else...we have no chance against such things, this is absolutly unserious.


This is a economic-war from his best side, like a film.


Who don´t see this, is blind.


For questions:








NB: http://www.directindustry.fr/prod/siemens-...064-133801.html


This is a good way, Junior.


Junior,this with the documentes they make in China, but not in Europe.


You can be shure, that since more than 2 years all electronics are in best condition.

Now it is possible to make more than 25 décollages with the ASH 25 / hour and air-temperature with 40 degrées.

No crash is possible and if we have under 340 volts, the winch don´t crash now the winch only stops.



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