JMC Posté(e) le 7 juillet 2009 Signaler Posté(e) le 7 juillet 2009 Je ne connaissais pas Jean-Pierre, mais il semble que nous ayons perdu une sorte de Steve Fossett Français.Je ne connais pas d'autres vélivoles qui gèrent 2,7 milliards de dollars...Quel immense gâchis...... Citer
wingrunner Posté(e) le 7 juillet 2009 Signaler Posté(e) le 7 juillet 2009 (modifié) Je ne connaissais pas Jean-Pierre, mais il semble que nous ayons perdu une sorte de Steve Fossett Français.Je ne connais pas d'autres vélivoles qui gèrent 2,7 milliards de dollars...Quel immense gâchis...... Les differents vehicules d'investissements de CFM portent des noms de planeurs comme Discus, Ventus et Nimbus. WR Modifié le 7 juillet 2009 par wingrunner Citer Relache le pied interieur !!!!
EchoVictor Posté(e) le 7 juillet 2009 Signaler Posté(e) le 7 juillet 2009 Je ne connais pas d'autres vélivoles qui gèrent 2,7 milliards de dollars...Quel immense gâchis...... Qu'est ce que ça change au niveau gachis qu'il ait 2,7 M$ ou pas un kopeck. Une vie, c'est une vie ! Eric Citer Un pigeon, c'est plus con qu'un dauphin, d'accord... mais ça vole... (Audiard)
Tango-India Posté(e) le 7 juillet 2009 Signaler Posté(e) le 7 juillet 2009 Je ne connais pas d'autres vélivoles qui gèrent 2,7 milliards de dollars...Quel immense gâchis...... Qu'est ce que ça change au niveau gachis qu'il ait 2,7 M$ ou pas un kopeck. Une vie, c'est une vie ! Eric Bravo Echo-Victor tu as raison Je trouve la réflexion de JMC fortement déplacée en cette circonstance ... TiTi ami de Jean Pierre Citer Donnons des ailes à nos rèves !
Administrateur Posté(e) le 7 juillet 2009 Signaler Posté(e) le 7 juillet 2009 Merci : - de ne pas interpréter les propos de Jean-Marie - de ne pas lancer une polémique stérile dans des circonstances suffisamment dramatiques Frederic Citer Une même passion, 3 sites : - -
JMC Posté(e) le 7 juillet 2009 Auteur Signaler Posté(e) le 7 juillet 2009 Merci : - de ne pas interpréter les propos de Jean-Marie - de ne pas lancer une polémique stérile dans des circonstances suffisamment dramatiques FredericT’inquiètes pas Fred, ils n’ont rien compris, ça ne me dérange pas du tout. Ils oublient que ce sont des gens comme JPA qui font avancer les choses, ils ne connaissent probablement pas l’importance du soutien économique que JPA a apporté au VV français. L’info sera donnée plus tard, j’espère. Il faut les excuser. Le temps de sécher nos larmes. JMC Citer
EchoVictor Posté(e) le 7 juillet 2009 Signaler Posté(e) le 7 juillet 2009 Merci : - de ne pas interpréter les propos de Jean-Marie - de ne pas lancer une polémique stérile dans des circonstances suffisamment dramatiques FredericT’inquiètes pas Fred, ils n’ont rien compris, ça ne me dérange pas du tout. Ils oublient que ce sont des gens comme JPA qui font avancer les choses, ils ne connaissent probablement pas l’importance du soutien économique que JPA a apporté au VV français. L’info sera donnée plus tard, j’espère. Il faut les excuser. Le temps de sécher nos larmes. JMC Je n'ai pas interprété quoi que ce soit, ni voulu lancer une polémique, mais, le développement de ton explication est plus compréhensible que ton premier post. Eric Citer Un pigeon, c'est plus con qu'un dauphin, d'accord... mais ça vole... (Audiard)
Administrateur Posté(e) le 9 juillet 2009 Signaler Posté(e) le 9 juillet 2009 By Saijel Kishan, Bei Hu and Tom Cahill July 6 (Bloomberg) -- Jean-Pierre Aguilar, chief executive officer of Capital Fund Management SA, France’s largest hedge fund firm, was killed in a gliding accident, the company told investors. Capital Fund Management’s board met yesterday afternoon to discuss a replacement after the death of its 49-year-old co- founder over the weekend, according to a letter to investors yesterday. Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, chairman of the Paris-based company managing $2.7 billion, confirmed the contents by telephone in Paris. “The firm has gone through several crises in the past and we want to reassure our investors that this terrible event will not interrupt CFM’s high level of service or impact its ability to provide outstanding long-term investment returns,” the letter dated yesterday said. “Jean-Pierre has assembled a terrific team, where all individuals are important but none, not even himself, are critical.” Aguilar was participating in a gliding competition near Barcelonnette in the south of France when the accident happened, Bouchaud said in a separate e-mail to Bloomberg. He died “while competing in a sport he loved and where he had tremendous experience,” the company said. Aguilar’s co-pilot, who was head of the Gliding Club of Barcelonnette, was also killed in the crash. The causes of the accident are under investigation, said the letter to investors. ‘Grandfathered In’ Aguilar helped found Capital Fund Management, one of France’s oldest alternative investment managers, in 1991. Speaking in a June 4 interview in London, he said that establishing a company such as his in contemporary France would be impossible because of political and regulatory distrust of hedge funds. “We still have room to run our business because we have been grandfathered in,” Aguilar said in the interview. “Now if we wanted to set up a company like CFM in France? Forget it.” Before helping start Capital Fund Management, Aguilar also founded a financial software company called Ubitrade SA for handling back-office trading activities that he sold in 2004. “He was a great entrepreneur,” Philippe Teilhard de Chardin, head of prime brokerage at NewEdge Group in London and a friend of Aguilar, said today. “In France some people find it difficult to run businesses because of the elements everyone knows about. He stayed in France partly because of the very rich source of mathematicians he could hire.” ‘More Ideas’ Capital Fund Management, ran some of its funds as a so- called commodity trading adviser or CTA, and uses computer systems to trade futures, equities, bonds and equity options, according to its Web site. The firm, which employs about 100 people, had about 35 of them with PhDs constantly working on improving the algorithms used in its models, Aguilar said in June. “We have people from laboratories who don’t know anything about finance, people who had last been doing particle physics, whatever,” he said. “By having more brains I increase the chance of having more ideas than others. It’s like seeds planted at a farm, they’re not all going to be harvested but if you don’t have a farm, forget it.” Capital Fund has managed funds under the “Discus,” “Ventus,” “Nimbus” and “Stratus” brands. Its $1.7 billion Stratus multistrategy fund, returned 8.8 percent this year through May, according to the investor letter. The fund gained 8.4 percent last year and generated positive returns in each of the years since its inception in December 2003. Changes to the company’s new leadership will be announced to investors in the next few days, Capital Fund Management said. ‘Two Passions’ Aguilar started his career in the financial industry in 1986 at LeGrand & Cie. He managed the trading activities on the MATIF, now part of Euronext, for the Paris-based brokerage and asset management company, according to biographical information posted on Capital Fund Management’s Web site. His business life was always balanced with time off gliding, said Teilhard de Chardin. He had been gliding since he was 16. “He had two great passions, one of them was business and the other was gliding,” said Teilhard de Chardin. “Unfortunately, the last one got the better of him.” Aguilar, who was married and leaves three children, was taking part in a flying contest sponsored by his firm in which 12 teams try to fly as far as possible in six days, according to its Web site. The crash happened during the final flight. Citer Une même passion, 3 sites : - -
Administrateur Posté(e) le 11 juillet 2009 Signaler Posté(e) le 11 juillet 2009 Avec Jean-Pierre Aguilar, mort le 4 juillet, à 48 ans, dans un accident de planeur à Barcelonnette (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence), disparaît l'un des pionniers français des fonds spéculatifs adeptes de la gestion dite systémique .... La suite sur : Citer Une même passion, 3 sites : - -
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